
Does Tom Cruise deserve being compared to Mel Gibson?


So it’s no secret that Knight & Day did not do as well as anyone hoped. Xenu did not approve. So Cameron and Tom are stuck doing promotion internationally, although to be fair to Tom, I think he enjoys promoting his films overseas. He’s always done it, and he still has a lot of goodwill left overseas, so more power to him. He and Cameron were in Brazil for a few days this week, and the weirdest thing happened – Tom didn’t do any interviews. At least none I can find. It’s almost like he’s trying to pull a Garbo and be mysterious. Mission accomplished, Xenu. Tom will forever be shrouded in mystery (for me at least) because he truly is a weird man.


Anyway, I just wanted to show the photos of the premiere in Rio de Janeiro. Cameron looked okay in a wrap dress, while Tom busted out his best high heels. Poor Tom. If he knew he was going to have to wear his lifts the whole promo tour, I’m sure he would have gotten a shorter leading lady. Here’s a closeup of his lovely heels:


Work it, bitch.

By the way, I put this in the links the other day, but it’s worth repeating. Tom isn’t the only aging action star on the ropes, and some critics are offering comparisons between Tom and… wait for it… Mel Gibson. Now, I think Tom is crazy, sure. But as far as we know, he’s never hit anyone, he’s never verbally abused anyone, and he’s never threatened rape, arson or general violence on anyone. I don’t believe Tom is that guy, I really don’t. Tom does not deserve these comparisons to Mel Gibson, so just stop it, okay film critics?



Tom and Cameron in Brazil on July 7, 2010. Credit: Fame.


Tandra Barner

Update: 2024-05-30