
5 best Korean perfume brands of 2023

Along with Korean skincare, Korean perfume brands have also become increasingly popular among customers drawn to the allure of their exclusivity, quality, and artistry. Smelling good is as important as having good skin when it comes to taking care of yourself. Good fragrance is highly associated with physical and psychological well-being, and because of that, using a good perfume is very important.

The rising popularity of lighter-scented products, like affordable body splashes, body mists, and cologne body sprays, has increased the demand for good perfumes. In the current market, Korean perfume brands like Tamburins, NONFICTION, ELOREA, and many others offer high-end and affordable fragrances for perfume enthusiasts.

Here is a list of some of the top Korean perfume brands.

Tamburins, NONFICTION, ELOREA, and two other top Korean perfume brands of 2023

1) Tamburins

Tamburins is a Korean perfume brand launched in 2017 by Gentle Monster, a South Korean fashion brand. Tamburins has a range of signature perfumes like solid perfumes and perfumed body emulsion. The brand has a team of in-house perfumers and creatives who have created innovative ways of carrying scents with sophisticated formulas focusing on smooth and healthy skin.

For people who like to wear fresh and clean fragrances, Tamburins would be a great choice. Anyone can purchase perfumes directly from Tamburin's official website; the price range starts from $37.48 and goes above.


NONFICTION perfumes are crafted with high-quality ingredients sourced by top perfumers from around the world, giving each product a unique touch. Some of the scents from this Korean perfume brand include wild rose, guaiac, oriental, vanilla, amber, neroli, orange blossom, muguet, musk, bergamot, lime, clary sage, cedarwood, sandalwood, vetiver, fig, cardamom, ginger, and hinoki, yuzu, nutmeg, and frankincense.

NONFICTION perfumes create a mysterious and unique aura that can catch attention in any circumstance. These amazing perfumes are available for purchase directly from the brand's official website and ranges between $62 - $135.


ELOREA is one of Korea's top and most unique perfume brands that offers premium fragrances for their customers, resourced directly from the deep roots of Korean culture. ELOREA's signature collection is called The Elements, inspired by each trigram on the South Korean national flag, representing the four elements of the world.

This Korean perfume brand's products are genderless, and the brand's current collection features four distinct scent categories: floral, woody, fresh, and warm. Their products are vegan and cruelty-free. Their official website offers the products for $125.00 and more.

4) RboW

RboW is another Korean perfume brand that creates signature fragrances with the true flavors of Korea for men and women. Some of the signature scents of RboW include "Dance and Balance," a spicy musk; "O.A.C," a woody and floral aroma; and "Untitled," a spicy scent. These perfumes are designed to be unisex.

RboW perfumes are crafted with high-quality ingredients, giving each product a unique narrative. Most perfumes these days have artificial fragrances that reduce the natural aura and bring up a strong smell that does not last too long. But this perfume brand uses only natural materials to bring out that holistic aura that lasts long enough. They are available for purchase via Fragnantica, Olivine Atelier and retail for $193 - $210.


W.DRESSROOM perfumes are known for their natural scents, affordability, and multipurpose use. This Korean perfume brand mainly focuses on natural fruity and flowery notes. W.DRESSROOM offers a range of scents, including Morning Rain, Pure Lily, Peach Blossom, and many more.

W.DRESSROOM perfumes are unisex, and both men and women can utilize them. The perfume brand creates fragrances with high-quality natural products. The brand's perfumes are formulated with different notes, but overall, they are reminiscent of the real thing. The perfumes are available via Amazon starting at $19.99 and above.

These are some of the best Korean perfume brands, which are not only of premium quality but also quite affordable compared to other high-end perfumes in the market. The list can be used as a guide for fragrance enthusiasts looking to expand their collection.

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Brenda Moya

Update: 2024-05-30